Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Abraham Lincoln Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Abraham Lincoln - Essay Example . . ."1 In the following paper I would like to discuss Abraham Lincolns policies during the civil war. The discussion will be structured in the way that will shape Presidents motives in actual conducting the war and mostly pointed into defining whether the reasons were to abolish slavery or receive economic benefit. Faced with heavy Union losses and the destructive nature of the war, Abraham Lincoln, an antislavery proponent, gradually adopted slave emancipation as the most prudent means of ending the conflict between North and South, bringing an end to the war, and thus paving the way to a reunited nation. Lincolns role in the destruction of the institution of slavery during the Civil War and afterward is widely accpeted to be the reason of Civil War as the institution of slavery, so instrumental in dividing the nation, provided Linocoln with an effective tool for ending the conflict. Slowly, at a pace too deliberate for most blacks and many Republicans, Linocoln gradually approached emancipation through the Confiscation Acts, compensation plans, and the Emancipation Proclamation (Abbott, 1968). None of these plans provided for immediate or full emancipation. Even the much-touted Emancipation Proclamation excluded slaves in all the border states and in Confederate areas controlled by the Union as of January 1, 1863, offering freedom only to those slaves living in Confederate strongholds--the very areas in which Linocoln could not enforce his proclamation. At best, the Emancipation Proclamation opened the door to freedom, but it left millions still enslaved. Even when war seemed inescapable, Lincoln remained the premier politician and chief adherent to the Constitution regarding the slavery issue; but observers thousands of miles away lacked his keen understanding of these domestic political and legal realities and began to ponder the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ncm 512 case assignment module 3 Bargaining II - At The Table Essay

Ncm 512 case assignment module 3 Bargaining II - At The Table - Essay Example The issue is one of discrimination and has a number of laws and regulations that relate to the same. Hence while preparing for the meeting, it will be important to keep completed track of records of each of the three teams, i.e. production plant, sales department and administrative department. Here a detailed list of employees and the history of the position of the women in the teams will be learnt. Also a detailed understanding of the employee and the pay scales will also be kept to help build a strong case. The negotiation approach that will be attempted for this negotiation will be a bilateral negotiation. The main reason to choose this method of negotiation is to ensure that both the parties, i.e. the employees as well as the management are both satisfied and the needs and demands of both parties are met. The approach will be very professional with detailed information that is backed with evidences (Harvard Business School Press). This will help ensure that there are no loop holes in the negotiation and the demands and will be based completely on the true facts rather than unnecessary allegations. The point of interest here in this case is the need for the demands of the women employees being met and the availability of higher levels of jobs to the employees. Another point of focus here is the availability of jobs to women and an equal level of importance to both men and women thereby ensuring that true talent and skills are not wasted. Also the main interest here is to ensure that there is no form of discrimination among the employees and all employees are given equal level of pay for the same work that is completed without any impact based on gender of the individual (Lewicki, Saunders and Barry). Firstly, considering the production plant, the total number of people working here is almost 20,000. Of these 5000 workers are women. The first suggestion to the management will be to keep this as it is