Saturday, December 28, 2019

Andrea Jung Case - 3327 Words

1. Describe Andrea Jung’s leadership style. How did her upbringing influence that style? What assumptions about human nature does she hold? Andrea Jung is the quintessential transformational leader. Jung showcases her transformational leadership style through her charisma, delegation of authority, consideration of subordinates, and her ability to constantly modify the organizational structure of Avon. Jung’s charisma is seen in the strong passion she has for Avon. This passion was clearly manifested when Jung turned down a CEO position at another company to remain the number two person at Avon. The genuine love that Jung has for Avon and its impact on society serves as a motivational leadership tool. The†¦show more content†¦Through her day to day demonstration of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, Andrea Jung proves that she is a manager characterized by a high degree of emotional intelligence. Jung understands that her behaviors affect her workforce’s feelings and beliefs. The productivity of her employees is a direct result of her optimistic demeanor. A prime example of her self-awareness is evident when Jung states, â€Å"(i)f people can’t tell that I love this company, then it’s hard for me to be a lasting leader.† This quote serves a symbol of Jung’s ability to understand that her attitude, alone, is a key motivational force for Avon. Emotionally intelligent leaders are able to remain calm in both the good and bad times. From her time as a Bloomingdale’s management trainee, to her current role as Avon’s CEO, Jung has always been able to control her emotions. The self-regulation that Jung has shown through her ups and downs has encouraged her associates to handle their difficult situations in the same calm and open minded demeanor. Motivation is synonymous with Andrea Jung. She possesses a passion for Avon and its vision of elevating women in the community. Jung has a track record of constantly looking to improve processes at Avon. Her delegation of authority to Susan Kropt and her proposed correctional action plan are clear illustrations of this fervor. Through her search for feedback fromShow MoreRelatedAndrea Jungs Case833 Words   |  4 PagesA CRISIS CAUSES ANDREA JUNG TO CHANGE HER LEADERSHIP STYLE. Being a Leader means | Being a Manager means | Motivating, influencing, and changing behavior | * Practicing stewardship, directing and being held accountable for resources | Inspiring, setting the tone and articulating a vision | * Executing plans, implementing and delivering the goods and services | Managing people | Managing resources | Being charismatic | Being conscientious | * Being visionary | Planning, organizingRead MoreTaking Sides Case Analysis One Ââ€" Avon Products, Inc.: Essay828 Words   |  4 PagesAvons position on whether the grand strategy, under the leadership of Andrea Jung has its merits and if the grand strategy is properly focused and directed. In addition, discuss and argue the position if the grand strategy of Jung is not optimal and needs to be refocused (Syllabus, 2005, p. 16). Evidence will be provided supporting each argument and finally the decision rational will discuss why the weaker factors of the case study were dismissed. Strategic management can, through long-term objectiveRead MoreAvon Case Study1746 Words   |  7 Pagesthe company is fairing under the leadership of its current CEO, Andrea Jung. There are two opposing views regarding the companys current and future success. One group feels that the firm has a promising future with Jung at the helm while the other group does not. This paper will analyze the pros and cons uncovered by each team member and discuss which view prevailed in the debate and why. Pros and Cons Pros of Jung and Avon Andrea Jung became president and CEO of Avon in 1999 and has totally revampedRead MoreCase Study 13.2 More Than Cosmetic Changes at Avon1176 Words   |  5 Pagescontrol accounted for the senior managers not being aware of what was happening on the ground. The tall hierarchal structure refers to the number of layers of management in the relaying of information before that information reaches the head, in this case Jung. Avon previously had a structure of fifteen layers. According to McShane et al, â€Å"senior managers in tall structures often receive lower quality and less timely information from the external environment because information from frontline employeesRead MoreInfluence Of A Successful Administration1344 Words   |  6 Pagesfive ways pioneers shape authoritative variables including individuals and assets. The five influence processes include direct decisions, reward system, allocation of resources, selection and promotion of other leaders and role modeling. In most cases, Chief Executive Officer is considered as the most astounding positioning officer in an organization while the president is second in the hierarchy. However, in corporate administration and structure, numerous permutations can occur, so the parts ofRead MoreEssay about Making over Avon715 Words   |  3 Pagesare illustrated in the Avon case. First, Avon’s CEO Andrea Jung implemented a strategy to capture a new customer base and by contouring a product line for women age 16-24. This strategy has a big difference with originally core customers which was 35 and older. Catch the young market is the key to success. This young generations spend a lot of money on beauty products. Second, the image of a company is very important, they make the customers believe the brand. Jung had to improve the company’sRead MoreAndrea Jung : Empowering Avon Women2805 Words   |  12 PagesRunning head: ANDREA JUNG: EMPOWERING AVON WOMEN 1 ANDREA JUNG: EMPOWERING AVON WOMEN 11 Andrea Jung: Empowering Avon Women Name: Lecturer: Course Name: Date: Andrea Jung: Empowering Avon Women Question 1 It has always been assumed that anyone in management, particularly the CEO, is a leader. However, there has been controversy over this assumption. While management involves the promotion of stability and enabling the smooth running of an organization, leadership isRead MoreDr. Jung, Ceo Of The Avon, And Howard Schultz1005 Words   |  5 PagesAndrea Jung, CEO of Avon, and Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks are both very effective leaders. Although both are very effective leaders, their ways to leader inside each company are very different. Jung is a leader that focus more on the tasks being done than creating a relationship with her subordinates while Schultz is a leader that focus more on his relationship with his employees than being concerned with them doing the tasks that they were told to do. In other words, Jung is basically a task-orientedRead MoreAvon - Case Analysis2333 Words   |  10 PagesAvon As of November 1999, Avon was experiencing economic troubles. Avons growth rate of annual sales was less than 1.5 percent during the greatest economic boom in history. This prompted a transfer in leadership which appointed Andrea Jung as CEO. Since that time, Avon has experienced remarkable growth. Under the direction of the new CEO, a new strategy was developed to reinvent Avons image, improve customer satisfaction, and to increase profit margins and market share. Avon has gained an outstandingRead MoreEssay on Avon Case Analysis2272 Words   |  10 PagesAvon As of November 1999, Avon was experiencing economic troubles. Avon’s growth rate of annual sales was less than 1.5 percent during the greatest economic boom in history. This prompted a transfer in leadership which appointed Andrea Jung as CEO. Since that time, Avon has experienced remarkable growth. Under the direction of the new CEO, a new strategy was developed to reinvent Avon’s image, improve customer satisfaction, and to increase profit margins and market share. Avon has gained an

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Play Latins Of La De Land By Migdalia...

Judith Butler argues in Performative Acts and Gender Constitution that gender is created by the act of performance and is constructed through the body. She states â€Å"gender identity is a performative accomplishment compelled by social sanction and taboo† (Butler 416).The concept of the display of gender through the act of performance is perpetuated within the play Latins in La-La Land by Migdalia Cruz specifically through the characters Sid/Rita and Lorenzo. Both of these characters put on gender and take it off throughout the play, through persona and through representative dress. Gender is a historical space and construction which argues that bodies become gendered through a â€Å"legacy of sedimented acts† (Butler 523). The legacy of sedimented acts consists of the habitual performative acts of a person and the build-up of gender norms that produce the outcome of a natural sex. Through this legacy of sedimented acts, gender is reworked within Latins of La-La Land through subversive performing acts by the characters Sid/Rita and Lorenzo. Performance exists first, then gender. Gender does not occur from an internal essence. We as a society, are unable to acknowledge that we’re performing our gender, we believe it’s inherent. Performance is learned by what is already historically dictated as gender and is acted out by the individual through performance of the body. The act of doing one s body comes from history that is shared and developed over time. Butler argues that gender is

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Reggio Emilia and the EYFS free essay sample

Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education is based on over forty years of experience in the Reggio Emilia Preschool Centres in Italy. It places emphasis on childrens symbolic languages in the context of a project-oriented curriculum. Learning is viewed as a journey; and education as building relationships with people (both children and adults) and creating connections between ideas and the environment. The Reggio Approach is based on a comprehensive philosophy, underpinned by several fundamental, guiding principles. The child as protagonist, collaborator, and communicator, the teacher as partner, nurturer, guide, and researcher. Cooperation as the foundation of the educational system, the environment as the third teacher. the Parent as Partner and Documentation as communication. Emergent Curriculum: An emergent curriculum is one that builds upon the interests of children. Topics for study are captured from the talk of children, through community or family events, as well as the known interests of children (puddles, shadow, dinosaurs, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Reggio Emilia and the EYFS or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ). Team planning is an essential component of the emergent curriculum. Teachers work together to formulate the possible directions of a project, the materials needed, and possible parent and/or community support and involvement. Teachers as Researchers: The teachers role within the Reggio Emilia approach is complex. Working as co-teachers, the role of the teacher is first and foremost to be that of a learner alongside the children. Within such a teacher-researcher role, educators carefully listen, observe, and document childrens work and the growth of community in their classroom and are to provoke, co-construct, and stimulate thinking and peer collaboration. Teachers are committed to reflection about their own teaching and learning. (Malaguzzi 2013) The Reggio Emilia approach to Early Childhood Education sees the Environment as being the ‘third teacher’ (the first two being parents and staff). This approach is complementary to the EYFS which indicates that: ‘A rich and varied environment supports childrens learning and development. It gives them the confidence to explore and learn in secure and safe, yet challenging, indoor and outdoor spaces’ (DFE 2012) The Reggio approach holds a powerful image of the child as strong, competent and confident. Children are seen as expressing themselves in varied ways known as the hundred languages of children. This also is similar to the EYFS as it suggests; ‘every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. ’ (DFE: 2012; 2) â€Å"Making learning visible†; every setting has a portfolio binder to identify and show parents what their child has achieved during the day. It also shows parents and children of what they learn at school, it gives children a sense of accomplishment and practitioners will encourage children towards learning.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Project Proposal E-commerce Website

Question: Discuss about theProject Proposal for E-commerce Website. Answer: Project Overview The project includes the creation of an e-commerce website for a business that works on the selling of the medical products. These products will be made available online for the users to view and purchase. The web site will be developed with PHP language and will be linked to a database as the backend. There will be a number of different functionalities implemented in the website such as login, logout, product catalog and the link to the PayPal account as well. Introduction The project is associated for the creation of an e-commerce website for the business. The document is the project proposal that covers the project overview along with the justification of the project and the description of the proposed system. The aims, objectives and the scope of the project have also been covered in the document. The functional as well as the non-functional aspects will be taken in to account during the design and development of the website. Project Justification The present era is the era of digital information and the internet based applications. It is necessary for every business to have online presence for ensuring the success and maximum customer base. The project will mark the online presence and accessibility of the products that will be offered by the business through the website. Description of the Proposed Solution The website will be created in PHP as the front end and MySQL will be the database and will serve as the back end for the site. The styling will be done through the cascading style sheets (CSS) and the security mechanisms will also be implemented in the web site. There will be a home page of the site that will include the login functionality along with a brief description about the business. The additional web pages will be of product catalog, specific products, customer feedback and query and the logout functionality. The layout that will be followed in the web site will be of the structure as header section followed by menu, body and footer. The three sections as header, menu and footer will remain consistent for all the web pages and the body section will vary as per the required information. The color scheme will also be consistent for all of the web pages and a subtle color scheme and theme will be selected for the web site. Project Aim The aim of the project is to create and release an e-commerce website for the business to allow it to have online presence and enhanced customer base. Project Objectives To complete the design, development, testing and implementation of the web site as per the schedule that has been estimated during the initiation and planning phases To complete the design, development, testing and implementation of the web site as per the budget that has been estimated during the initiation and planning phases To implement all the functional requirements in the web site To implement all the non-functional requirements in the web site To implement the security features and mechanisms in the web site Project Scope In Scope Ability to implement the login functionality in the web site to allow the users to utilize the entire set of features that are included. The user shall be asked to enter the set of valid credentials and in the absence of the same; the user must be able to register on the website. Ability to include the product catalog on the web site include the list of the products offered by the web site Ability to update the product catalog as per the latest availability and stocks Ability to design a designated page for every product that would include the product name, description, image and price Ability to implement the login functionality in the web site Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of scalability in the web site to make sure that the components of the site can be scaled up or scaled down as per the situation without impacting the existing functionalities Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of availability in the web site to make sure that the components of the site are available to the users from all locations and at any time Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of usability in the web site to make sure that the components of the site are designed as per the expectations and specifications desired by the users Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of reliability in the web site to make sure that the information that is retrieved from the site is valid and accurate at all times Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of performance in the web site to make sure that the response time for every action is extremely low Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of interoperatibility in the web site to make sure that the site is developed once and implemented and functional from any device or medium without the need to develop it all over again Ability to implement the non-functional requirement of security in the web site to make sure that the components of the site are safe and secure to access and the information of the users is kept protected at all times Out of Scope The activities associated with the marketing of the web site on various media platforms such as social media, tele media, print media and likewise would not be covered The activities associated with the advertising of the web site on various media platforms such as social media, tele media, print media and likewise would not be covered The project team will not cover the tasks of procurement of the tools required for the design and development of the web site The project team will not negotiate and deal with the third party vendors on the tools and equipment required for the web site

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Probability for Libya to Become a Democracy

During several decades, the countries in North Africa are characterized by the prolonged transformations in relation to maintaining the democratic principles in the political and social spheres within the territories. The orientation to democracy is typical for a lot of countries around the world, but the situation in the Maghreb region is more controversial than within the other territories.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Probability for Libya to Become a Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Civil wars in the countries of North Africa resulted in the necessity to change the developed political regimes. The discussion of the contemporary situation in Libya can be referred to the arguments presented in the article by John Barger in which the researcher concentrates on predicting the possibilities to build the democratic society in Libya after ceasing the rule of Qadhafi. In spite of the fact the situati on of ceasing Qadhafi’s rule provides the political opposition with a lot of opportunities to change the regime in relation to the democratic basics, there are more limits for the process than advantages because of the impossibility to overcome the social and political apathy and consequences of the previous rule immediately. Democracy in Libya could not be reached during a long period of time because of the peculiarities of Qadhafi’s regime known as Jamahiriyya. However, today the situation is changed. What obstacles can prevent the political activists from using the opportunities and building a democracy in the country? According to Barger, the process of democratization can be realized with the help of different organs of civil society used to guarantee the concentration on the people’s rights (Barger 64). These organs can be established only as a result of forming definite political parties as the symbol of the democratic society. From this point, the exiled opposition to Qadhafi can be discussed as the effective force, but the realization of the idea also depends on a lot of particular limiting features. Moreover, Barger focuses on the definite apathy and passivity of the exiled opposition forces in spite of the possibility to establish certain organizations oriented to democracy. Thus, these organizations often showed a high degree of â€Å"apathy even for the minor roles allowed them by the Libyan state.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After three decades of institutionalized passivity, it is questionable that interest groups will be capable of assuming politically active – or at least effective – roles† (Barger 66). That is why, it is possible to state that in the situation of receiving the opportunity to build a democracy, Libyan political activists can be rather helpless to mobilize their forces and establish the effective political system based on the democratic principles. However, the new approaches to the Libyan politics can be used by the Islamists who can establish the alternative regime. Barger accentuates that â€Å"any successful future political settlement in Libya will have to include the Islamists who †¦ have demonstrated their ability to disrupt any political order of which they do not approve† (Barger 71). Nevertheless, the Libyan political system requires significant transformations, and there are no opposition forces which are sufficient enough to complete the transformations in short terms. The contemporary situation in Libya and the analysis of John Barger’s arguments presented in the article allow speaking about the impossibility to establish a democracy in the country quickly. However, the orientation to the multi-party politics can be discussed as the effective strategy for the further development of Libya according to the democratic ideas and prin ciples. Works Cited Barger, John. â€Å"After Qadhafi: Prospects for Political Party Formation and Democratisation in Libya†. The Journal of North African Studies 4.1 (1999): 62-77. Print. This essay on The Probability for Libya to Become a Democracy was written and submitted by user Admiral Ackbar to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Howard Schultz and Karl Eller essays

Howard Schultz and Karl Eller essays Howard Schultz and Karl Eller can both be considered great entrepreneurs. Both were extreme risk takes, moving ahead at fast paces without concern that their ideas may backfire. Both began their professional careers as salesmen, and were able to go past that level into executive positions at each of their corporations by taking risks and learning from their own mistakes as well as the successes and failures of others around him. Howard Schultz began his entrepreneurial career at a very young age by finding new and innovative ways to do things and always on the lookout for new possibilities. Because of his exposure to specialty coffee and the experience in Italy, he was able to envision an idea that swept across America and has become a household tradition. Schultz saw his opportunity and was able to take two different ways of doing things and mold them into one unique coffee experience for everyone to enjoy. Karl Eller began as a salesman as well, and within 5 years, became head of his branch office for the company he worked for. Due to his hard work, diligence and perseverance, Eller never managed to see an opportunity and let it pass by. As his experience as a billboard salesman had increased, so had his quest for new opportunities. When he bought what is now known as Eller Media, it was the largest company in the industry with over 50,000 billboards and Karl Eller has made the idea into an actuality because of his risk averseness and ability to spot opportunities and act on them as he sees them. Both of these men are known today as worthy of the entrepreneurs hall of fame. Because of their willingness to take risks and act on opportunities as they presented themselves, Schultz and Eller became household names, not only in their industry, but throughout the business world. Making money may be part of the satisfaction they get, but the true entrepreneur is able to be motivated simply with the urge t ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Response to Changing Perspective of Service in Financial Services Research Proposal

Response to Changing Perspective of Service in Financial Services Sector - Research Proposal Example The FSA has announced several measures to improve corporate governance in the financial services sector. The objective of these regulations is to increase the confidence level of the consumers about the working of the companies, taking into account the financial and non-financial aspects. Financial Services Act 1986 has been replaced by the Financial Services and Market Act 2000 with a view to tightening the controls on the financial services industry... d Market Act 2000 with a view to tightening the controls on the financial services industry, and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) exercises the statutory powers derived from this act. It is increasingly felt that the business model is based on incentives and the role of the independent financial advisors from the investors' protection point of view has become questionable. According to FSA (2010) Retail Distribution Review (RDR), launched in 2006 aims to address the problems inherent in the retail investment market, and is expected to be implemented by 2012 for regulating the sale of retail financial services such as life assurance, pensions, long term savings, and fund management, and it has a profound impact on the operations of the bigger players in the industry like Aviva. Aviva is the biggest insurance group in the UK and it is the world's sixth largest company in the insurance industry with market leadership in general insurance, fire insurance, pension, long term savings and fund management with worldwide operations. The regulatory issues are multifarious and as diversified as the industry.   Â