Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nontraditional Beliefs And Practices Regarding Health Care...

Nontraditional Health Care Practices Cultural competence requires the health care provider to have awareness and knowledge of the wide variety of belief systems that exist in the United States (U.S) and worldwide. Purnell (2013), asserts that cultural competence may be one the most importance health initiatives with the U.S. as understanding the beliefs and practices regarding health and wellness are equally as important to the knowledge a provider has regarding physiologic and scientific responses. Comprehension of nontraditional practices and beliefs may improve wellness, increase compliance in treatment plans and prevent barriers to adequate care. This paper will explore the nontraditional beliefs and practices among three cultures including, Cuban, Filipino and Haitian, including the impact on wellness and health of the culture. In addition the writer will explore the utilization of nontraditional health care options in the United States including the most common options found in Southwest Ohio. Cuban More than 1.6 million Cuban Americans live within the U.S. making them the third largest Hispanic group in this country (Purnell, 2013). Considered to be a fatalist population, Cubans are accepting of what life deals their way often seeking the advice of elder women in the family to provide health care advice. Alternative medicine may include herbal remedies, prayer, ritual cleansing and sacrificial offerings. Medicinal plants are frequently seen in the forms ofShow MoreRelatedHealth Trends Among Nursing Students3069 Words   |  13 PagesRunning Head: HEALTH TRENDS AMONG NURSING STUDENTS 12 HEALTH TRENDS AMONG NURSING STUDENTS Current Health Trends among Nursing Students and Implementation of Practices in the Clinical Setting Carly A. 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As a result patients from different backgrounds do not receive proper treatment, and refuse to seek medical attention, or are over charged for simple procedures. Educating healthcare workers is the key to decreasing unnecessary physician visits as well as providing patients with the sense of understanding and respect regarding their health decisions. The preceding information will provide a brief overview of Leinigner’s Model of Culture Care Theory, Leinigner’s theoryRead MoreCare, The Dying, And Their Families1537 Words   |  7 Pages Care, the dying, and their families The most important principle that can help to guide people who care for the dying and bereaved is care. 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Care for the dying and care for the families, this is not to undermine the empathy, support and understanding that is needed. â€Å"All social workers, regardless of practice settings, will inevitably work with clients facing acute or long-term situations involving life-limiting illness, dying, death, grief, and bereavementRead MoreThe Doctor Of The Future2648 Words   |  11 Pagesdoctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease (â€Å"Alternative Medicine Quotes†). This quote is gradually becoming a popular philosophy among American citizens and holistic physicians who prefer alternative medicines to traditional medicines. In short, this quote explains how the clinicians of the future will practice preventive medicine. Physicians will instruct their patie nts on how to liveRead MoreCurrent Trends in Nursing Research2280 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"to search again or carefully examine† (Langford 2001). â€Å"A systematic study of problems in patient care.†Ã‚   Abdellah: â€Å"A systematic detailed attempt to discover or confirm facts that relate to a specific problem to improve the practice and profession of nursing.† Polit and Hungler: â€Å"A systematic search for knowledge about issues of importance to nursing.† Henderson: â€Å"A study of the problems in practice relating to the effects of nursing.† What makes nursing research? Nursing research is â€Å"a scientificRead MoreEvaluation Of The Minnesota Model1375 Words   |  6 Pagesthrough a Therapeutic Community. There will be specifications regarding each about their different approaches, methods, and results. Although both treatments have very positive success rates for addicts, they approach the cures to addiction in very different ways. In the Introduction section there will be a brief summary of each treatment method and what their specific goals are. In the Discussion section there will be specifics regarding what patients experience during their treatment, and how theRead MoreNrs429V Full Course [ All Discussions and All Week Assignments and Ppt [ All 5 Weeks ] 2015b1895 Words   |  8 Pagesthe health belief model, how can nurses encourage patients to make immediate and permanent behavior changes; particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices? diss 2 According to Kizlik (2013), objectives that are used in education, whether they are called learning objectives, behavioral objectives, instructional objectives, or performance objectives are terms that refer to descriptions of observable behavior or performance that are used to make judgments about learning. How do health providersRead MoreApplicant Attraction Strategies an Organizational Perspective10212 Words   |  41 Pagesstrategies, (4) link applicant attraction strategies to other human resource practices, (5) outline various dimensions of attraction outcomes (e.g. qualitative and quantitative, attitudinal and behavioral, temporal), and (6) discuss implications for future attraction research. Keywords CAHRS, ILR, center, human resource, job, worker, advanced, labor market, satisfaction, employee, work, manage, management, health care, flexible benefit, HRM, employ, model, industrial relations, labor market, job

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